by Paul Bacsich, 18 December 2008
Little did I think when I stepped out of my blog in September 2006 that "I may be some time", to use the inimitable phrase of Captain Oates. By the standards of blogger's rest cures, it has been on the long side. But in addition to the usual excuses of overwork, life, the universe and everything, I had the additional one that I was doing a lot of blogging - and fostering of blogging - just not on my own blog.
I also fell in love in the fallow period (personal-blog-wise) with my second web 2.0 technology, the wiki - and that affair, like many web 2.0 affairs I hear of, is only now cooling - or at least settling into a less passionate relationship. I still like wikis but I am somewhat more critical than in my wiki-youth.
So the period of being "somebody else's blogger" is over and wikis to me are now a tool - not a way of life.
Also given the range of things I do, more and more of which do not fit neatly into the timesheets of projects, there is greater re need for a personal channel.
And last, I am part of a team of midwives bringing to birth a very large and lusty wiki baby in the next couple of months. Like all babies, it will need nurturing and fostering - and blogs are good for that.
So let's see if my resolve holds.
A particular challenge coming up is to see if I can blog while at a coference - and yet enjoy the socialising. My first test is at the Learning and Technology World Forum in January. To prepare I've even done some entries on the blog they provide for eacme as a delegate.
Maybe I'll see - or "see" - you there. More at